Motivation can be defined as: the stimulus for action towards a goal, especially as resulting from psychological of social factors. It is the conscious or unconscious desire for something, a “wishful” behavior that is flexible and adaptable.
To motivate is to awaken interest and even enthusiasm, to give a wish for, stimulate, push, and direct towards.
“To educate is to encourage” Adler
The “craving” aspect triggers the behaviour witch will be modified by positive reinforcement (something that is nice). The principle of pleasure over-rides other considerations, and strong motivation allows the subject to distance himself from the environment, even in a very distracting situation. The only thing that counts is the object of desire.
Motivation will be represented essentially by:
- Primary needs: food (a state of hunger can increase motivation)
- Prey, symbolised by a toy
- By imitating a fellow. Among wild dogs it is the parents and the group. The young animal learns by watching and by positive copying of the behaviour of others
- The positive signals of the master- enjoyment, stroking, verbal encouragement
- Pleasant situations (going for a walk)
We can measure the motivation. If the reward changes in intensity and in quality, the attention can be increased, diminished or even interrupted.
The goal of the training is to succeed in transforming a reponse to a particular, highly motivating signal into a response to a neutral signal (voice or gesture, without reward). For that we must, during training, associate the very strong signal (food or toy) with a weak signal (voice or gesture).
Removing the object of the motivation should be done according to very simple rules.
- Systematic phase (every time he gets it right)
- Intermittent phase (to keep him on track)
- Random phase (which he will keep all his life)
Voir tous les messages de: Joseph Ortega
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